
This is the blog home of #kidlitart, a live Twitter chat Thursdays at 9:00 pm Eastern, for children's book illustrators, picture book authors, author/illustrators and friends. Check back weekly to read transcripts, comment on previous chats and suggest topics for upcoming chats.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

And the winners are...

Our SECRET AGENT selected the winners for this year's #PBDummy Challenge critique review.

Drumroll please!

And the winners are:

Gaia Cornwall with JABARI JUMPS
Male Salas with BAD MOOD, GOOD MOOD

And our Super De-Duper Secret Agent is:
Carrie Hannigan
HSG Agency

A big round of applause for our winners and the wonderful Ms. Carrie Hannigan for sharing her time and expertise with us here at #kidlitart

Thank you so much Carrie, for stepping up!

Also, give yourself a pat on the back for being part of the challenge and for joining us every Thursday (except Thanksgiving) at 9PM eastern time for #kidlitart. We couldn't do this without your participation!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Secret Agent Pitch Entries

You have your 1-2 sentence pitch all ready?

You signed on to complete the challenge back in January?

You have a completed dummy ready to submit to agents and publishers?

If you answered yes to all these questions, leave your pitch in a comment below. Also leave an email so we can contact you with submission information if your pitch is one of the lucky ones chosen by our Secret Agent.

(Entries are now closed. Selected pitches and name of the Secret Agent will be announced during chat on July 19, 2012. Thanks for entering!)

We will be announcing the winners and the Secret Agent in an upcoming chat!

Transcript: 7/5/12

TOPIC: What WIP is on your drawing board right now? #kidlitart 7-5-12