
This is the blog home of #kidlitart, a live Twitter chat Thursdays at 9:00 pm Eastern, for children's book illustrators, picture book authors, author/illustrators and friends. Check back weekly to read transcripts, comment on previous chats and suggest topics for upcoming chats.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Transcript: 6/10/10; plus takeaways!

TOPIC: Are art supplies, client files, & assorted flotsam cluttering your space? How do you deal with it?


What everyone wants:
Flat files and a supply closet

What many of us have:
Baskets everywhere, furniture "doing double duty as art supply storage"
Baby gates
File drawers full of reference photos
Art going back to childhood
Dubious paste-up supplies from Before Computers

Nostalgia starters:
Art supply stores (remember those?)
The smell of Magic Markers (ah, high times)

Good ideas:
Corkboards for schedules, inspiration, works in progress
Back-up hard drives and auto-saves

Tweet of the night:
@SnevCo: "My whole house is my studio. I use the "pilot" method of organization. "Pile it here, pile it there . . ."


Please, all kidlitart-ers and friends, remember the Ripple project: create, donate & appreciate the efforts of @kellylight and the wonderful artists contributing to the cause:

Discussion of the Ripple project led to mention of Illustration Friday, which is adopting the project for this coming week's topic.

Last, Wendy asked for future kidlitart topic ideas. Suggestions included:
Setting up a Flickr stream for critiques
School visits
Sources of inspiration
Hosting art directors or editors willing to answer questions during chat

If you have any additional topic suggestions, leave a comment here, or DM Bonnie (@BonnieAdamson) or Wendy (@lyonmartin).

The full transcript is below:

#kidlitart 6-10-10

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