
This is the blog home of #kidlitart, a live Twitter chat Thursdays at 9:00 pm Eastern, for children's book illustrators, picture book authors, author/illustrators and friends. Check back weekly to read transcripts, comment on previous chats and suggest topics for upcoming chats.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

We're Baaaaaack!

Starting on April 18th, the #kidlitart chats will resume with all new moderators! Spread the word, and please join us for an hour of inspiration, information, and a good ole-fashioned chat around the water cooler.

Your moderators are:

Russ Cox (Blog)

Renee Kurilla (Blog)

Diandra Mae (Blog)

Come by and say hi!

You've never been to a TweetChat and want to know what #kidlitart is all about? Take a look at our FAQ page! 


  1. Very cool. Thanks for reigniting #kidlitart chat.

    1. Olá, a publicação ficou muito interessante, parabéns! Já conhece o E-MAI?
      Ganhe dinheiro na internet sem sair da sua cadeira!
      Não perca tempo acesse o link do meu convite.
      Faça seu cadastro e comece a ganhar hoje mesmo!
