
This is the blog home of #kidlitart, a live Twitter chat Thursdays at 9:00 pm Eastern, for children's book illustrators, picture book authors, author/illustrators and friends. Check back weekly to read transcripts, comment on previous chats and suggest topics for upcoming chats.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Transcript: 4/29/10; plus takeaways!

TOPIC: What have you done to promote your illustration beyond mailings and web sites?

Ideas for promos
Online: coloring pages; newsletters; holiday-themed downloads
In person: booths at conventions, art festivals, etc.; form group with other illustrators and invite AD; attend conferences; take part in portfolio displays, contests (SCBWI-LA came out ahead of SCBWI-NY as best bet for illustrators, although possibility of portfolio drop-offs a plus at NY con); a plug for SCBWI regional cons (more face time with presenters)
Creative packaging/format for mailings: vellum envelopes for packets; tri-fold "story" postcards; hand-made books; dummies; bookmarks

Much talk (and friendly arm-twisting) about Zero 2 Illo's current 12-week marketing challenge for illustrators (#12WC): http://zero2illo.com/category/12-week-challenge/

Tweet of the night
@DiandraMae, commenting on the difficulty of finding time to create promo materials: ". . . another thing on the to-do list. I call my list "Kudzu."

Please feel free to add to or correct takeaways if necessary—and let us know if this is a useful feature!

Full transcript, as always, in the reader below:

#kidlitart 4-29-10


  1. Bonnie and Wendy,

    Thanks for posting the take-aways. They're very helpful.

    Sorry I have not participated in the chats much recently. I started a new day job about a month ago, and I'm finding that by 9:00 pm I'm usually too tired to tweet intelligently. I miss you guys! I suspect that after I've adjusted more fully to my new arrangement I'll feel more up to participating again. Until then, I'll be relying on this blog. So thanks for maintaining it. :)

  2. I love the takeaways. Hopefully it will give us a chance to focus on the ideas, and maybe even come up with more.

    Here are two:

    1. Make a blog theme: If you have photoshop skills you can easily make a template page and hand it off to a slicing company to produce the theme. It will cost a couple of hundred $$$, but is a unique promotional effort.

    2. Use Magcloud.com to create your own portfolio-magazine. The possibilities are endless and the cost is competitive with potcards, imo. Check it out: http://magcloud.com/help/faq

  3. Thanks Bonnie! I think the takeaways are a great idea! I love the idea that @melindabeavers had of self publishing a portfolio book by going to blurb.com. A really cool, professional way to show off your art. And the prices didn't look too high.
